Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Modernistic perching posts

Some time back there were a couple of jambul trees and a neem tree just outside my building. These were frequented by many birds (mostly crows). I've spent hours observing the antics of crows when I was a kid. Sadly these trees were chopped down some time back, taking forever with them the birds' gallivanting spots.
At present the building is under renovation and is covered with bamboo scaffolding. So guess what, the birds (mostly crows these days, the sparrows have mostly disappeared) have happily taken to the scaffolding. They use them as resting spots, eating spots, take-off spots, wooing spots, bullying spots and practically every other spot. They expertly dart through the lattice and consider then as extensions to the nearrby trees. It quite amazing to see the adaptability of these creatures. Surely a lesson here for us.