Sunday, December 02, 2007

What's it with guys and cars ?

What's exactly the deal with guys and cars (or bikes) ? Why do they find them so fascinating, that they glean and memorize every tiny detail of these mechanical devices down to engine torque and the carbon footprint. Apparently guys like cars cos they don't talk back and don't mind if you got another one home ;) . But seriously, i don't understand this obsession with some guys. i guess it makes them feel more cool and macho. When in my teens, i remember trying to get interested in cars because the other guys were. Poring over car magazines, reading up about new cars, trying to make sense of cylinders, camshafts and crash test dummies...i did try. But it was wasted time. The only thing that really got me interested me at that time was the macpherson strut ;) (hey, i was a teenager). To me a car will always be a transportation device from point A to point B.
i couldn't care less if it was water tank on four wheels (actually the santro looks like that). i do like car artwork though. here's one from E.T.