Sunday, December 02, 2007

What's it with guys and cars ?

What's exactly the deal with guys and cars (or bikes) ? Why do they find them so fascinating, that they glean and memorize every tiny detail of these mechanical devices down to engine torque and the carbon footprint. Apparently guys like cars cos they don't talk back and don't mind if you got another one home ;) . But seriously, i don't understand this obsession with some guys. i guess it makes them feel more cool and macho. When in my teens, i remember trying to get interested in cars because the other guys were. Poring over car magazines, reading up about new cars, trying to make sense of cylinders, camshafts and crash test dummies...i did try. But it was wasted time. The only thing that really got me interested me at that time was the macpherson strut ;) (hey, i was a teenager). To me a car will always be a transportation device from point A to point B.
i couldn't care less if it was water tank on four wheels (actually the santro looks like that). i do like car artwork though. here's one from E.T.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Monday, November 27, 2006

revo lla daer

This blog post was triggered by something I read in the newspaper. Here’s the online version I almost always read newspapers and magazines back to front, from the last page to the first! This ritual probably originated from the time I first started reading papers. At that time (single digit age), the only thing in the newspaper that interested me were the comics. I remember ‘Mid-day’ having the comics two pages from the end, so it was natural & easier to go to it from the end. Later as I got interested in sports, I would read those pages and they were right after the comics at the end. From then on I hardly ever remember reading the newspaper the ‘right’ way. This quirk leads to missing out certain experiences, like reading the April fool’s gotcha note before reading the planted stories. Teaser ads are also lost on me, because I come across the final ad of the series before the teasers and I wonder what the fuss was all about. The only stuff I don’t miss are all the political & other such depressing news on the front pages. What about you? How do you read your newspaper?

(As an aside, this had me questioning if all my thoughts were always triggered by some other event- don’t I ever have an original thought? am I just a “moist robot” with no free will? care for a philosophical mind twister? Read )

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

5 months !

It's FIVE whole months since i've been married. Here's a picture from back then :)

Monday, August 07, 2006


pic of my current guitar

When people ask me what music I like, I'm always at a complete loss about how to describe my tastes accurately. Music is so vast and prevalent and my tastes are eclectic. I don’t necessary like a particular genre - just certain types of songs from there and I may hate another set of songs from the same genre. I may like Aerosmith, but that doesn't necessarily mean I like Guns n Roses. Coldplay is easy on my ears and so is Enrique Inglesias. Lately I've been listening to music on Pandora basically helps you to find music you like by analyzing certain details from music you already like and matching it with other music in its database. As a side-effect, I'm beginning to see common strains in the music that I listen too. For example, I like 'subtle use of vocal harmony', 'major key tonality' and 'electric guitar riffs' (Whoa!). I also dig 'mild rhythmic syncopation', 'electric instrumentation' and 'a clear focus on recording studio production' (who would have guessed!). So now I know how to describe my musical tastes and if I sound like a music snob what the heck :-) !!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Chez Moi

So finally we get possession of our home - 4 months after when it was promised. Still have to shift in though - some basic work needs to be done before we do that. Let me tell you it's been quite stressful to buy and move into a home - the loan, finding a decent place, negotiating with the builders, getting the registrations done, other such formalities, forcing the builder to make alterations and complete pending work, planning the shifting, etc. it is starting to take its toll on me. Believe me, if you want to see life, buy a home (with your own money and with your own resources). Meanwhile here is a view from the window of 'ma maison'...

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Blunted edge

One of the most inane lyrics I’ve heard lately is one from James Blunt - You’re Beautiful. Try this,

" life is brilliant
my love is pure
i saw an angel
of that i'm sure…."

!!!. Or this,

"you're beautiful, it's true
i saw your face in a crowded place
and i don't know what to do…

!!! !!!

Believe it or not, this song is quite a hit now, despite the lyrics. Though I must say it’s quite radio friendly. The other Blunt songs in the album have pretty decent lyrics, so it’s surprising to be missing from this number. OK-songs overall and less depressing than Damien Rice.